In early 1998 a leaflet on a supermarket noticeboard caught my eye: C O L O R I written in large bold letters announced a new course in watercolour painting, beginners welcome. Curious, I took the plunge.
Thus began my introduction to the Rudolf Steiner’s method of watercolour painting, taught by the Maestro Stefano Signorin.
Slowly a new world opened up before me: at each lesson we were presented with three or four colours in little dishes, and their characteristics and nature were explained in the context of the theme of the day. We were then invited to combine them on paper to produce our own interpretation of the theme. It was nerve-wracking and exhilarating. The work was done with one large paintbrush: learning how to use it was a challenge too.
One day Stefano Signorin mentioned that there are more than 3000 variations of the colour green. This surprising fact made me open my eyes to colour around me and take more notice of details. Over the years I have regularly attended these courses, an excellent source of relaxation and stimulation.